Thrive by Le-vel for your health!
For several months now, both myself and my husband have been using the Thrive program for weight loss and to improve our overall health. We were introduced to the program by good friends of ours, who had been using it for about six months, and were looking and feeling great! At first we were reluctant to try it, thinking it was one of those trendy 7-day wonder things and we were taking meds already for our various health complaints, and wondered if this was going to interfere with them, etc., etc. etc.
Well, we thought, as time went on, we might as well give it a try, after watching our friends do so well on the program, and feeling somewhat of an obligation to help them out with their new venture, although there was not even a whisper from them of “You should try this!” only the pictures of them looking younger, happier, and more active than ever. We agreed to give it a trial, although we both insisted we would only be customers, and would not be interested, ever, in being promoters whereby we would benefit monetarily from selling the product.
Well, what are the results? Paul and I have been on the program since May. To date, I have lost around thirteen pounds, and Paul has lost 25. People are starting to ask us what we’re doing, so I decided to spill the beans about Thrive, the good, the bad, and the ugly! You might get friends of yours promoting the program to you, and that is fine, but I don’t believe you get the full “skinny” on it when people are trying to sell it, so here goes! I am copying Facebook comments I made to my cousin who recently saw my posts about my weight loss, and wanted to get the low down.
Her question read:
Hi Norma. Wondering how you were doing with your diet and what does it entail?
To which I replied:
I’m going to give you the true details on this program. It’s one of those things that, if you want to, you can promote it to other people and get free product for yourself, but I don’t do that, because I don’t think you get the whole story from people when they do that, so I choose to be just a customer, not a promoter.
Okay, so here goes, Paul and I started the program in May. There are three steps you do every day. First you take two capsules which contain 12 vitamins and minerals plus green tea, green coffee bean, and a whole bunch of other nutrients. Next, you drink a shake. You can get chocolate or vanilla, and they taste good. They contain fiber, protein, 19 vitamins and minerals, plus Garcinia Cambogia for appetite control, cinnamon bark for blood sugar control, natural caffeine, plus a bunch of other nutrients. After you drink the shake, you stick on a dermal fusion patch (DFT). It’s something like a nicotine patch and this slow releases more Garcinia cambogia, green tea extract, and some other stuff for slow release, lasting appetite control all day.
I have no problem with the contents of the program. There are several doctors and nurses in our group and they totally endorse the program for it’s health benefits.
What we have experienced on Thrive: Paul and I have both lost weight. We have not changed our diet, and we do not exercise. We have found that our appetites are way reduced than before taking Thrive. We are both satisfied with much smaller portions, and do not feel starved before meals. Neither of us were big breakfast eaters, but we feel totally satisfied with our shakes, and hardly ever want breakfast anymore. The product contains caffeine, so we don’t feel the need to drink coffee in the morning, either. You certainly still can if you want to, but I don’t get that groggy, sleep-fog after taking my Thrive.
We have experienced much better mental clarity. It is so much easier to focus and get your day’s work done. I found, before, that I was easily distracted and felt disorganized, but the Thrive helps keep you on top of your game. You have lots of energy.
Paul has carpal tunnel syndrome, I have arthritis and diabetic neuropathy in my feet which is extremely painful. We have not found much difference in our pain levels taking the normal Thrive products. Paul gets muscular pain when he overdoes it, and has tried a supplemental product Thrive offers called Move. When he feels muscular pain or back strain injury pain, he takes the Move and his back automatically feels better. It is actually amazing how fast it works.
Where I am a diabetic, and insulin resistant, I was having a lot of difficulty losing weight, and the pain in my feet would not allow me to do much exercise, especially walking, so I relied on swimming for any bit of exercise I got. Since I have been on Thrive, I have lost 13 pounds. It’s slow coming off, and would probably be faster if I decided to exercise, but I am a lazy ass and hate it, lol! Paul has lost about 25 pounds, but he is way more active than I am.
In terms of side effects, at first both Paul and I experienced a little nausea after taking the capsules and shake. Our mentors told us that that often results from the body’s detoxing, or getting rid of stuff that has built up in your body over time, which the ingredients in Thrive is now helping to get rid of. We found that you have to drink lots of water when taking the capsules, and neither of us liked making smoothies with the shakes. They are quite tasty just mixed with water, although Paul prefers his mixed with skim milk. I am lactose intolerant, so that would make me altogether sick! My nausea has persisted taking the shake, because it does contain milk products, but it is not enough to give me stomach upset or diarrhea, like I would get if I drank a glass of milk.
Before Thrive, I was falling asleep mid-way through the day, and would often have to go lie down and have a nap. Some days I could almost feel myself falling off my office chair. Luckily I work from home! Now, I’m alert all day. The Thrive helps control my blood sugar, and even though, now, I have not seen enough improvement to come off any of my diabetes meds, I am hoping that in time, I will be able to reduce the amount of insulin I have to take, and maybe even come off some of the meds I take for the arthritis. (One of them costs over $1,500 a month, so coming off that would certainly pay for the Thrive!) Plus, I’d probably be saving my kidneys and liver from damage, and stop the risk of developing cancer and other diseases you become susceptible to by taking the biologic drugs.
Altogether, we are killing ourselves by carrying this extra weight around. I was seriously considering gastric bypass surgery, like our cousin’s ex did, but I didn’t want to live with that for the rest of my life, and I don’t know how I would come out of it, being a diabetic which makes it hard to heal. Getting the weight off is such a struggle, and I have tried so many programs, like Weight Watchers, Tops, the Atkins diet, and have yo-yo-ed up and down for so many years, each time putting on more weight, it’s depressing. I look at how my aunts, and mom are doing (or did) in their old age, and I don’t want to end up with these kind of health issues. The one thing they all have/had in common was being overweight, so something has to give.
For me, I’m going to continue to use Thrive. I could use Garcinia Cambogia, Green tea extract, willow bark, and all these other ingredients which are already in Thrive, and maybe get similar weight loss results. With all of the meds I’m on, I could totally mess up my body (I got SO constipated from taking Garcinia Cambogia on its own before starting Thrive, I nearly broke my ass!) Thrive has such a great balance of these powerful ingredients in combination and in the right amounts to be kind and gentle on your system, while getting you the results you want.
So what are the downsides of using Thrive?
1. It IS expensive, if you don’t want to become a promoter. We pay $300.00 a month plus tax and shipping, about $353.99 a month for the couples basic pack. To buy the Move, it costs extra. For a single person, the cost is more like $126.00 plus tax and shipping, around $158.37 per month. Sometimes they have sales and promotions whereby you can get your product cheaper. In September, for instance, they had buy two boxes of chocolate shakes and get one free. A box of shakes is about $40. Now, don’t forget, if you LOVE thrive and want the world to know, you can be a promoter, sign people up, and if you get two a month to buy it, you can get your product for free, plus there are plans whereby you can earn cars, trips and other bonuses. Like I said, that doesn’t appeal to me, much as I would like to get the Thrive for free! lol!
2. We found, at first, that we were running out of product even though we had signed up for auto ship. It’s because we live in the ass-end of Canada (and an island out in the north atlantic, besides, lol!) and the product takes a dog’s age to get here because it ships from the US. I have learned to keep some extra product on hand to get us through those few extra days in-between orders, so as not to run out!
3. My menses has started up again, although I thought I had come through “the change” lol! The capsules you take on Thrive are different for men and women, and I don’t know if there is some ingredient in it for supporting female hormones, but I was quite happy to have waved “Aunt Flo” goodbye! I’ve since gone to my Dr. to get checked out and make sure there is no weird stuff going on. If there is, I will be blaming the arthritic meds. You should see the pages of warnings that come with that! I am not saying that Thrive caused this, it could be totally coincidental.
If you would like to visit the website, look up and read what they have to say. If you want to do a free trial, I can put you in touch with my friend, Ian who will send you out a three day trial with no obligation. It’s amazing how you will feel a difference just in using the product for three days. At least then, you can make an informed decision on whether it is for you.
Whatever you decide, good luck on your journey to good health! It is worth the effort not to have to face major problems down the road! If you have any questions that I have not answered, feel free to message me on facebook or comment at the end of the post. It will get to me by email. Have a great day!
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