The Lion’s Den Prequel #4 – The Combatants Debate

Combatants: Palestine vs Israel

gaza liberationThe crowd  had grown to where the Castle’s caretaker started to worry about fire regulations.  The combatants had squared off  in the reception area.

“You would feel in danger of  annihilation, too, if you heard  the President of Irag, Abdur Rahman Araf announce that the “existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified” and they would “wipe Israel off the map.”  Della said.

“What about Hamas? They were democratically elected to govern Gaza, but  Israel saw them as  terrorists, preventing any meaningful negotiation for peace indefinitely.”

“The Jews had been present here for three hundred years and had deep religious ties to  Israel.  They believed that the land had been given to them by God.”

“But the Islamic Resistance Movement insists that  Palestine’s legal status under Islamic law is  Waqf, endowed for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection, and not to be neglected or relinquished.  No one else could claim it.  What makes their assertion any less valid than the Israelis?”

“Some Islamic scholars recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Holy land and Jerusalem. These are holy places and their rights to them should be protected,”Della argued.

“But many Muslims say that the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina are theirs, conquered in the name of Islam and are considered Waqf under Sharia Law, the law of Islam,”

“People, while this has been a fascinating debate, I am sorry that the conference center is due to close for the evening,”  the dean announced,” I would invite both participants to join in a panel discussion at a later date.  Thank you all for coming, and I congratulate Miss Rawlins and Mr. Giles on a fair and respectful debate.  Thank you and good Night.”

Norma              Stay tuned for more prequels to 

                                                      The Lion’s den, coming soon



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