The Lions Den is Still on the launch pad

 Launch Pad to Ground Control…..Are you still there?

launchI knew the fog was bad here in Newfoundland, but I didn’t realize there were so many things that could hold back the launch of an e-book!  We optimistically looked at the projected launch time six months ago and said, “Yeah, that’ll be ready to roll out by April 15th, no sweat.  My publishing guru made the first editing pass October 02, 2014, I sent my first revisions back to her February 12, 2015, she sent back the second edit March 30th, I sent in my final edits April 8,  and I just got the formatted manuscript back, and I should be finished and ready to approve it tonight!  I can practically recite the manuscript word for word!  The cover is finished, ISBN number is assigned and added to cover design, along with synopsis for the back cover.  Inside design is all finished, dedication and acknowledgements are in.  The last piece is this final tweaking, the last kick at the cat.  I can’t wait for it to be pronounced finished!  Do they say, “It’s a wrap!” in publishing?

My people are starting to ask when the book will be out.  I was embarrassed when the first launch date, April 15th passed.  I was a little pissed when the second launch date, April 30th went by, while my publishing gurus were hanging out in Mexico, California, and Barbados.  I was assured that work on my project was continuing in their absence, and I’m sure it was, but what answer can you give to your  friends who are asking, “So when is the book coming out NOW?”

All I can say is soon! I ordered a special necklace today and had it engraved with the launch date 15/05/15.  If it’s not out by then, someone’s paying for a new charm!
sparkly norma  lauunch booklaunch button
ground control

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